Digital Beat - March 2017

March 2017 – In this issue

What’s New? • Meet the Team • FAQ of the Month • Best Practices

What’s New?

Image-March 2017 Newsletter

SOCIAL MARKETING and tapping into the phenom in a new way!

According to information from statista; In 2016, more than three quarters of the United States population had a social media profile. Overall, U.S. users spend more than 216 weeks minutes on social media via smartphone, 53 weekly minutes via PC, and 50 minutes per week on social networks via tablet devices.

As social is so pervasive, we have developed the Facebook (FB) 100 that will put your messages where you want them-in the Newsfeed talking to your targets!

FB 100 is the newest product to the Data-Dynamix portfolio and its engineered to give you a GUARANTEE when it comes to results. Simply put, this program will target consumers in their Newsfeeds using the Facebook Audience Network. The guaranteed outcome will be either 100 clicks OR 100 Likes* in a 7-14 day timeframe. The clicks will be directed to the company’s website while the Likes will tie to the client’s Facebook page. Both Clicks and Likes will be accomplished with a single static image ad. *Facebook Page Likes are available with Editor access to the company’s Facebook page.

2017 is going to very exciting for product development at Data-Dynamix. Long known for our great email program, you are going to see considerable diversification in our product suite-one consistent theme will be the great targeting you have come to expect from us with many more applications!.

Meet the Team

opens IMAGE file Stan Justice Stan compliments traditional media expertise with solid experience in digital revenue development. He’s passionate about managing and implementing ad sales solutions on a national and local level, working primarily with our broadcasting outlets and their clients to deliver positive results…training and working with sales teams to increase revenue and profitability. Raised in the Cincinnati area, Stan’s worked in Nashville, Chicago and Southern California after graduating from the University of Kentucky. During his time away from work, he enjoys golf, running and skiing, along with spending time traveling with his daughter.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” – Mark Twain


Image-March 2017 Newsletter-2 FAQ of the Month

We get asked all the time what makes email successful and it’s a complicated question. Like all great marketing, many things have to come together, however, these are great guidelines for all marketing!

Best Practices

Newsletters and Email have different tactics to follow: Newsletters Most Common Email Marketing Tactic Of 2016

by Jess Nelson, December 28, 2016

Newsletters were the most common form of email sent by marketers in the first half of 2016, according to a November study by Clutch.
The research and consulting firm polled 300 email marketers based in the United States on the email marketing tactics they most often used in 2016. Survey respondents were employed by companies with at least 100 employees, but their precise industries remained unspecified in the report.

Newsletters were favored by 83% of marketers surveyed by Clutch, followed closely by the 79% of marketers who send stand-alone email messages. Seven out of 10 marketers sent lead nurturing messages, while 62% of marketers sent transactional emails.

The majority of newsletters are sent in the morning, at the beginning or end of the work week. Monday and Friday were the days most important for email newsletter distribution, with 45% of respondents favoring Monday and 42% of respondents favoring Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday were equally selected by one third of respondents, while just under a quarter of email marketers assert that Thursday is an important day for email newsletter distribution.

Saturday and Sunday were both selected by fewer than 10% of email marketers, with 9% of respondents selecting Saturday and 6% of respondents selecting Sunday as important days for email newsletter distribution.

Although the weekends are seen as unfavorable days to send newsletters, it may be advisable for marketers to send emails during the weekend. Emails sent over the weekend were the most likely to lead to conversions, according to an August study by email solutions provider Yesmail. Emails sent on Saturdays averaged a 60% increase in conversions, while emails sent on Sundays generated 40% more sales.

Email newsletters are most commonly sent before 11:00 a.m., according to the Clutch study, as 30% of email marketers sent out their company’s main newsletter prior to 9:00 a.m. and 42% send between 9:00 a.m. and 10:59 a.m. Only 7% of marketers sent emails newsletters at 5:00 p.m. or later.

It appears from the study that email marketers are embracing the best email practices of personalization and segmentation, but A/B testing lags in adoption. Seven out of 10 marketers also practice personalization, while 65% use segmentation and 59% use mobile optimization in their email marketing efforts. Only 23% of respondents, however, practice A/B testing in their email campaigns, according to the study.


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