July 2016 Newsletter

July 2016 – In this issue

What’s New? • Meet the Team • FAQ of the Month • Best Practices


What’s New?


Retargeting Programs – Retargeting is not new, however, packaging it with an email campaign is a great way to prolong your messaging to new customers.   In 2015, we did more than 100 campaigns that tied together an email message and either an impression retargeting campaign or another email blast.  Open and click thru rates remained very strong with this two-touch program.  Typical results are an average of 0.08% Click Rate across all campaigns (+266% higher than the industry average of 0.03%).

The trifecta is to put the email together with a retargeting effort and direct mail. This three-prong approach will keep the messaging up using multiple channels with the purpose of taking a potential customer through the sale process quickly and, potentially, to the buying stage!

We recommend an email deployment, followed by 10-20 days of targeting impressions with a postcard 3-4 weeks after the initial email.

Meet the Team

opens IMAGE file Valerie Tintero

Valerie is once-introvert, turned extrovert through her love of social media. Valerie brings a creative and innovative approach to social media. She understands the complexities and opportunities with social media alongside branding, search engine optimization, advertising, and evolving technologies. Valerie stays current with all the latest trends in social media and online marketing. When Valerie isn’t socializing on social media or dreaming about blogs, she loves DIY projects, traveling with her husband, and snuggling with her two pups.

FAQ of the Month

We get asked about subject lines all the time and our best advice is a phrase that is 50 characters or less (including spaces) that is compelling so the recipient wants to open the email.  This great article takes our feedback even farther! – Context In Headlines Boosts Email Engagement

Best Practices

Email marketing is by far, the best tool in your digital toolbox.  However, just because we can all hit “reply” or “forward” that doesn’t mean that we all will be successful with email marketing.  Email marketing is both a science and an art, and we’ve seen many a science experiment in email marketing gone way wrong.  Don’t worry…we’ve pulled together the top ways we’ve seen email marketing campaigns ruined.

  • No Call To Action.  You want to do marketing, but you don’t really know WHAT you are marketing.  That can be a BIG problem.  That’s why the best email marketing campaigns run off of clear calls to action and clear offers.  When you know what you want the reader to do, you will have a clear behavior pattern.  However, you can’t be the only person who knows what that call to action is; you need to make sure that it is crystal clear what you want the viewer to do as well.

2)   Bad Subject Lines.  The subject line is arguably the most important part of the email.  That is the make or break point where a email user decides if the email is worth their time to even open.  Make sure you focus your subject lines to be informative, concise, and interesting.  You want to make viewers feel like they are missing out on something by not opening the email! ****

  • Run One Email Campaign.  We know it.  You know it (deep down).  But, for some reason, we see marketers running only one email in their advertising campaign.  You can’t have an effective email advertising campaign with only one send!  You have to send multiple emails, and even incorporate other advertising options.  Consumers rarely make a decision to buy on the first interaction with a brand.  That’s why you must design a campaign that focuses on multiple email sends.
  • Bad Graphics.  We have an amazing team of graphic designers who create stunning artwork and html to make your email shine.  We also allow our clients to provide artwork themselves, and that is usually where we see the failure.  Many people don’t take the time to have properly branded creatives made for their campaign.  Graphics that are cluttered, hard to read, clashing colors, and sloppy will turn off customers immediately.  Take the time to have a professional create a winning design for you so that you email marketing campaign has a chance to succeed.
  • Bad Data.  Data is key in today’s digital marketing arena, and you need to be smart with how you use it.  A properly-defined list will focus your audience to the people who are most likely to actually be interested in your message.  We see marketers make the mistake of staying too broad with their target audience, when they could refine it much more. At Data-Dynamix, we have a whole team dedicated to helping you define and focus on your target audience so that you can have a killer email campaign.

Email marketing can be incredibly effective for your business, but it can also be a waste of money if you don’t approach it in the right way.  At Data-Dynamix, our goal is to help you succeed with email marketing and other digital advertising solutions, so that you stop wasting money on marketing that simply doesn’t work!

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