Direct Mail
Data-Dynamix was formed in the Direct Mail business. It is our roots and in our blood. We can target your customers with the best data available at reasonable prices. We can also retarget to Email opens and clicks. Talk to us today about adding this to your digital marketing efforts.
As a list brokerage, list owner, and member of the Direct Marketing Association for over a decade, we have access to every list on the market in the United States and abroad. There are currently over 70,000 postal lists reaching millions of businesses and consumers on the market today, and we add and changes these lists daily.
With over a decade of experience providing postal direct marketing services, we can help you get your message out every step of the way. We can:
- Craft a list of names and postal addresses using highly selectable demographics,
- Create and print full color mailers that will put your message in the hands of your audience,
- Facilitate mailing and shipping of your item, and
- Analyze response rate to measure the effectiveness of your campaign
- Get access to premium list subscriptions to your mail house
- Direct Mail retargeting to email openers and clickers
Consumer Data
We work you pre- and post-campaign to optimize your list to best reach your market. We apply predictive modeling technology with our understanding of quality sortable attributes to generate high-value lists tailored to your audience, and apply response rate analysis to future list requests to ensure that we are delivering the best list of consumers for your campaign possible.
Our lists come from general consumer data compiled into a comprehensive national list containing over 132 million households. These lists are compiled from over 1 billion names and addresses originating from a variety sources, including public real estate data and telephone directories. Demographic, behavioral, purchase, health, travel, and property data are applied to each record, and monthly surveys add further lifestyle details to the database. The end result is the most accurate, comprehensive prospect source available for marketing today.
Business Data
Our business lists comprise data compiled into a comprehensive database of over 18 million businesses with key firmagraphic information of senior and middle management executives, including titles and industries.
Accurate and Current
Our consumer list is completely rebuilt every two months with interim monthly telephone refreshes and suppressions, and links are applied to each record to reduce duplicates. Furthermore, each sort from our database is matched against the U.S. Postal Service National Change of Address registry to ensure accuracy and deliverability.
We overlay consumer and business demographic information at varied intervals to further ensure accuracy and currency. Example: Static information such as gender, ethnicity and age are only applied on the initial creation of a record. Interest, education, home value/ownership, auto type, number of children, job titles and industry change are updated at different intervals. We append email addresses to database records on a quarterly basis from multiple sources as they come to the market.
We Create for Your Audience
After we assemble the right list for your campaign, we work hand-in-hand wit h you to create the right design for your for your demographics.
We specialize in list brokerage services, business and consumer direct mail deployments, predictive modeling, and response rate & statistical analysis. Our partners include some of the largest corporations in the industry. Our team will work with you to help you select the best avenue to market your product or service offering. We will help you create and deploy specialized marketing messages across multiple mediums.