Case Study: Mobile ID Targeting

Ged Lawyers, LLP are
“happy to be too busy to keep up”
with the number of people they have
been able to help after Hurricane Irma.

Hurricane Irma left a path of destruction throughout Florida in the fall of 2017. Many homeowners faced significant challenges and damage to their homes.

Ged Lawyers wanted to step up and help by connecting with those that were affected by Hurricane Irma by offering to help with their insurance claims.

Data-driven targeting enabled this campaign to more than triple typical click-throughs!

Brian Tellinguisen

Vice President Client Services, Data-Dynamix

The Strategy

Working directly with Ged Lawyers, Data-Dynamix was able to identify homeowners within their three Florida counties.

Leveraging Deterministix data-driven targeting technology, Data-Dynamix launched a 3-week mobile campaign that reached homeowners who suffered loss from Hurricane Irma with a “We’re Here to Help” message.

The Message

The Results

3-Week Promotional Campaign

377 Website Visits

32 Conversions

Continued success as a lead source

This campaign showed significant activity from mobile devices (75% of delivered impressions) that resulted in 377 website visits. The CTR (click-through-rate) was 0.15%, which is 0.11% higher than the average 0.04% rate that they typically see. This increase in CTR is a direct result of the accuracy of Deterministix in targeting the right prospects for Ged Lawyers.

Ged Lawyers has continued to use this strategy to capture quality leads since October, 2017.

Learn how you can use Deterministix
to create a people-based marketing strategy
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