Hello…It’s Me. How To Build Meaningful Digital Marketing Relationships As A Brand
Cue the Adele music and now you can thank us for having this pop hit stuck in your head for the rest of the day. We’re talking about hellos today in digital marketing. Hello is where the conversation starts, but in digital marketing, it’s never where it ends. We all know that digital marketing is a process that involves people of various generations with various patterns, but one thing is consistent: it takes time.
Starting Point
Digital marketing is all about conversations that happen, and unless you already have an audience, you’re going to have to start with “hello.” This first point is often where businesses need to employ paid tactics to gain an audience. You might start with email marketing, social media ads, or even search engine ads. These are all great ways to get an audience, but you need to go into these strategies with your eyes open. One ad send is not going to get you the results you’re looking for. Paid advertising works best when it’s done with a multi-channel and/or multi-campaign approach. But, if a paid ad is your way to get that first “hello” in with a customer, it’s a GREAT way to do so!
First Impressions
You’ve got to start somewhere, and we all know that first impression matter. So, whether your customer found you through paid means or organically, your first impression is a big deal. What does this mean digitally? Well, it means that your branding is consistent, that your website functions properly, that people can clearly understand who you are and what you do, and that you make it easy for them to get to know your company more. If you make things difficult on people, try to sell too quickly, are inconsistent in your branding message, or any slew of other no-no’s, you’ll quickly find that you fail the first impressions test!
Continue The Conversation
Remember that it usually takes between 5-7 touches for someone to make a decision about your to buy or to blow you off. While your email campaign may have only sold “X” number of widgets, but you got “XYZ” number of people opted in to a freebie that allows you to contact to them in other ways in the near future, you just hit the jackpot. When you get someone into your funnel of branded information, YOU are in the driver’s seat and control what they know about you and how they build trust. Conversions will come, just usually not on the first hello.
Building a marketing funnel is a huge strategy that involves a lot of work and moving parts, but it is well worth the effort. Paid strategies like email marketing, retargeting, social ads, geofencing, and more can be great tools, but only when used together for the good of the big-picture conversation. At Data-Dynamix, we believe in helping you start AND END that conversation so that you can grow your business with confidence.