Data-Dynamix: IP Targeting, Mobile Targeting & Email Targeting OLD

Looking for the
Best Targeting Data,
On Demand?

Precision Reach 

Digital Marketing Expertise,
Personal Execution

Ad-Tech for Today’s Online Targeting

Elite Targeting Capabilities

Reach over 95% of US adults, matched to verified offline data and aligned to privacy-compliant online data. This sophisticated, identity data-driven targeting process provides cross-channel marketing capabilities that meet today’s stringent privacy regulations. 

Data-Driven, Privacy-Compliant Targeting

By leveraging privacy-compliant data, we have the ability to target preferred consumers’ devices when they are using the web or online apps. Data-Dynamix data-driven targeting is matched to a repository of publicly available and privacy-compliant consumer data, including demographics and physical home addresses. We can then connect opted-in email addresses too! Think of all the possible marketing opportunities using this dataset for privacy-compliant targeting!

There has simply never been a better time to be a marketer. Prospects can be reached via email, direct mail, mobile device or desktop and reaching the right prospects digitally is now a reality.

Understanding Location Targeting

How Location Listening Focuses Your Campaigns Spending your advertising dollars wisely has never been more important. With traditional methods of advertising you basically threw everything at the wall to see what would stick, but with digital you have the ability to...

Lookalike Marketing Using a Cross-Channel Digital Marketing Strategy!

Leverage your customer database to find lookalike consumers – identify more prospects just like them!

The truth is, at Data-Dynamix we know you need solutions that are comprehensive and turnkey. Our solutions leverage offline and online data graphed on over 95% of all US adults, including demographics, opted-in email addresses and publicly-available, privacy compliant data targeting.


Xpress Advertising

Over 20 Years of Experience Driving Results with Data

Interested in learning more about Data-Dynamix’s advanced digital marketing capabilities? Contact us today!

Facebook Posts

Email marketing still works! Check out these best practices to boost your email campaign performance. From personalized content to strategic timing, our tips will help you connect with your audience and drive results. Learn how to craft compelling emails that engage and convert, ensuring your messages stand out in crowded inboxes. 📧 #EmailMarketing #marketingtips #CampaignSuccess #DataDynamix #audiencereach #locationtargeting #personalied ... See MoreSee Less
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Geotargeting helps you reach the right audience at the right place. Learn how! With our advanced geotargeting solutions, you can deliver personalized ads to users based on their location, ensuring maximum relevance and engagement. Whether you're targeting local customers or expanding your reach, geotargeting can help you achieve your marketing goals more effectively. 🌍#geoads #locationtargeting #marketingstrategy #audiencereach #geotargeting #solutions #personalied #ads #reach #marketing #goal #AudienceTargeting ... See MoreSee Less
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Programmatic advertising is a game-changer for ROI. Discover its benefits today! By automating the buying process and using real-time data, programmatic ads ensure your budget is spent efficiently and effectively. Reach your target audience with precision and maximize your returns with our cutting-edge programmatic solutions. 💡 Learn more about how this technology can transform your advertising strategy at- #programmatic #MarketingROI #digitalads #ROI #process #RealTimeData #ProgrammaticAd #ads #spent #budget #buying #realtime #precision #Technology #strategy ... See MoreSee Less
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Data is the new oil! Discover the power of data-driven decisions for your marketing strategy. Our advanced analytics tools provide deep insights into consumer behavior, helping you craft campaigns that resonate. By leveraging data, you can make informed decisions that boost engagement and drive conversions. Don't rely on guesswork; let data be your guide. 📊 #dataanalytics #marketingdecisions #businessgrowth #DataInsights #reach #audience #DataDynamix #data #Analytics #marketing #strategy #Campaigns #conversion #insights #Consumer #trends #decisions ... See MoreSee Less
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Ready to take your advertising to the next level? Let us guide your campaigns for unprecedented engagement and returns on investment. Our team will tailor your ads to the right audience at the right time, maximizing your reach and impact. Embrace the future of advertising with Data-Dynamix and see the difference. 🚀#AIAdvertising #DigitalMarketing #AdCampaigns #MarketingInnovation #audience #reach #DataDynamix #advertisment #engagement #teamwork #tailor #ads #future ... See MoreSee Less
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