Taking the time to create an email marketing automation series can do wonders for your business, but making any of these mistakes can cost you big!
- Coming Across As Impersonal
The key to any successful marketing campaign is to reach the consumer. The best way to reach the consumer is to understand his or her likes, dislikes, needs, preferences, etc. Make sure you pay attention to these things and hit these important points in your emails, landing pages, etc.
2. Overdoing It
If it is done right, it should only take one or two tries to get a message across. Therefore, try to avoid sending multiple emails over and over again with the same content to the same person. This comes off as bothersome and this repetition can easily frustrate your target market rather than encourage them to use your company.
3. Not segmenting emails
Segmenting emails is an important way to effectively reach a large audience that contains different target markets. A good example of how to segment emails would be to base it off of geographic time zone and location. If there is a certain time of day in which more people open emails, you would want to make sure the email is going out at the right time to the different locations.
- Failing to use your data
Using an automated system has perks. One of the biggest perks is the ability to view important metrics, as well as the performance of the company. It is crucial to look at this data and understand where the system is working and where it needs improvement.
- Not staying consistent to your brand
Whether it be in an email, or in a landing page, it is important to keep the tone and theme of your brand consistent in all different channels. Your viewers should be able to recognize your company in all marketing channels or promotions.
- Not using your marketing automation system the way you want to
It’s important to have a vision for your system and clear goals of how to make your vision a reality. If you are using an automated system but don’t know what you want to get out of it then it’s not going to help your company in the right way.
- Not having someone manage the system
What good is a system if there is no one available to run it? It should be clearly expressed who will be in charge of this system and what their duties are so the system can be monitored and used properly.
- Not grasping the needs of customers
As mentioned above, it’s important to segment emails to customers based on different things such as age, gender, location, needs, preferences, etc. However, how can you segment emails based on these things if you don’t actually know all of these things about your customer? Do the research beforehand to get an idea of who you’re trying to reach and then use the automation system to reach them.
- Not taking the time to research the different systems before you choose one.
Again, understanding and defining clear goals is a crucial part of achieving success with an automated system. That being said, once goals are defined, the right system should be chosen based on how it can help your company achieve its goals.
- Not making sure that different departments are using this system to their advantage
It is an unfortunate reality that many marketing and sales departments don’t work together. However, it is also a reality that if both teams work together, they will achieve greater success. Make sure both teams have access to the system and know how to use it to their advantage.