When it comes to marketing, email has been a go-to tool for many companies. It’s easy to use, and it’s also easy to reach a large audience via this medium. Emails, however, can easily be forgotten or lost in the shuffle. Considering that many people send any emails they receive from businesses and senders whom they don’t recognize directly into their spam or trash folder an individual email contains one message and after it’s read, the reader will move on if there is no reinforcement or reminder. For that reason, marketing through email simply isn’t always enough to reach your clients.
Cross-channel marketing, however, could very well be the future of your marketing efforts. This is the approach that allows you to be the smartest and most effective marketer within your organization – or industry!
So what is cross-channel marketing?
It’s exactly what it sounds like. Cross-channel marketing is creating a strong brand among many different channels. Let’s face it, with today’s access to all things technology, people are researching and purchasing in many different ways. From email, to social, to mobile, to social and e-commerce, etc., the means through which a person can access your brand are extensive… So, that means you need to be accessible without any limitations. It’s time to consider CCCM or cross-channel campaign marketing. According to Marketing Tech News (https://www.marketingtechnews.net/news/2016/jul/25/why-cross-channel-future-email-marketing/), a CCCM is “a lifecycle of personalized content and interactions across any digital channel, fueled by a 360 degree view of custom behavior and delivered in real-time.” The most successful B2C companies are really focused on reaching the customer and are honing in on providing the customer with a positive and interactive experience. In order to use a CCCM, Marketing Tech News explains that “advanced analytics, real-time interaction management (RTIM) and digital channel delivery” are important.
At the core of cross-channel marketing is the idea of providing the user with a connection or comfort when moving from desktop website to mobile website or from email to a social media channel. It should work in tandem with other channels where user preferences register so no matter how the user decides to interact with a particular brand, they will feel like the brand knows them and understands their needs and wants.
Cross Channel Marketing is not only a good idea it’s a vital key to success. We see this every day with our partners and clients who employ multi-channel or cross channel marketing techniques. One great strategy to consider is using our Deterministix platform to utilize IP addresses, mobile device ID’s, demographic data, email, and more information compiled into an Identity Graph. This enables users to reach specific, individual users based on known behaviors – essentially via their “identities” being resolved! Advertising across multiple channels, and with smart data, allows you to improve the success rates of your campaigns!
Now that you have a basic understanding of what cross-channel marketing is and why it’s used, try to look at your own business and start developing ways to link your presence via all different mediums. Email might be the easy choice, but if you want to take your brand to the next level, you have to enhance the email channel.